From Brewarrina, we head to Bourke for lunch. It looks like a reasonably sized place so we reckon there should be a few options.
We check out the hotel in the middle of town.
“What food do you have?”
“Nothing today mate, I let the chef have the day off”
“Is anywhere else good for food around here?”
“You won’t get anything in Bourke on a Sunday, I can do you some pizzas”
We have pizza for lunch.
Our plan had been to head back from Cameron Corner via Cobar, but we haven’t been able to book anything just yet and we’re about to run out of phone signal for the next few days. We make a quick decision to change the route and book a motel in Bourke for the journey back. The thought of a warm shower and a proper bed in four days time sounds like quite the treat.

On our way to camp, we detour to have a look at the rock art - I run up the track to see how far it is (missing the distance information on the tourist sign) and after running up over a hill, round a corner and down the other side again, I decide it best to admit defeat and turn back. It is golden hour, and soon it will be too dark to put up our tents.
We decide to come back in the morning.

We spend the night at Dry Tank campground. At this point in the journey, our body clocks have adjusted to the natural rhythm of the day and we are all in bed shortly after sunset. I wake early, bathed in moonlight, and watch the colours change as a new day arrives.